
Samstag, 12. Mai 2012

Bocas del Toro - Wizard Beach

Today's post, as promised in last the post about Bocas del Toro, will be about one of Bocas' beaches: Wizard Beach


How to reach it?
This beach is located on Isla Bastimentos. The best way to reach it is to take a water taxi and let it drop you right on the beach. Last time I was there, which was around September 2009, the boats were not able to go all the way to the shore so it might be necessary that you have to get into the water and walk to the beach the last meters. I recommend wrapping your camera and other electronic devices in some sort of plastic, just to be on the safe side.

What is so special about Wizard Beach?
It is not as crowded as Red Frog Beach, very "natural" in terms of there is NO infrastructure (so think about bringing things like water and maybe some food) and one big plus are the big trees that stand all the way along the beach and provide shade.


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